Building Running Costs

There is going to be a cost to running your buildings and we will cover that here.

When a Skilled Worker is added for a shift, running costs will need to be paid for the shift to start.


Energy is the primary resource that will be needed to run your building each time a Skilled Worker is added.

An Energy cost is assigned to each Skilled Worker. At the start of each shift the required energy cost will be deducted and sent to the Novo Treasury. For example, the Energy costs maybe 5 Energy per worker. If you have 1 worker added then your energy cost is 5 Energy. If you have 3 Workers added then your cost will be 15 Energy. If you do not have enough energy in your storage to cover the cost of a shift a Skilled Worker can not be added.

Maintenance Cost (Materials Resource)

Buildings require daily upkeep and so you will also need to pay a daily cost with your materials resources. Like energy, the materials cost is assigned to each Skilled Worker. At the start of each shift, the cost of required materials will be deducted at the start of the shift.

Like energy, if you do not have enough materials in your storage to pay the maintenance then the Skilled Worker can not be added to work a shift.

The final running costs for Energy and Materials will be released before the game launches.

Last updated